Hire Rates

Hire Rates

Please contact the Bookings Officer Emily Handley

Tel. 07450 075734

 Email enquiries@stokeflemingvillagehall.org.uk

Hire Charges from January 2024

Main Hall Regular User Private Corporate
Full Session Rate £32.00 £72.00 £200.00
2 Hour Session Rate £24.00 £58.00 N/A
1 Hour Session Rate £16.00 £38.00 £100.00
Ron Harris Room Regular Users Private Corporate
Full Session Rate £21.00 £50.00 £100.00
2 Hour Session Rate £18.00 £40.00 £75.00
1 Hour Session Rate £10.00 £22.00 £50.00


  1. A session is up to 4 hours during the morning, afternoon or evening
  2. Charges include heating, lighting, power and use of the kitchen (if two different groups are hiring the Main Hall and the Ron Harris Room they have to share the kitchen!)
  3. Regular users are those who hire the hall at least four times a year and pay an annual subscription of £15.00
  4. Private means one off events such as weddings, parties, commercial events and hirers not registered as Regular Users and paying a subscription (Deposit payable)
  5. Corporate means a large company or group having a separate legal entity i.e. an entity distinct from its owners
  6. An additional late night fee of £40.00 is payable on bookings extended beyond 10pm.
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